October 10, 2012 -Day 5 of our trip.
Today Jason and I slept in for a long time. It was lovely! I love not having to wake up to an alarm clock! We decided to rest and even watched some tv. We both love home improvement shows and, since we don't have cable at home, we watched them in New Orleans. After a while we got hungry and decided to find something for lunch. We kept trying to eat at this pizza place, so today was the day we were going to do it. It took a while to find this pizza restaurant. After a lot of searching, we arrived at the restaurant only to discover we couldn't eat there. It opened at the weirdest times! So, we knew there was another pizza place way past coops and decided to head that way. Finally we found it, too. It reminded me a lot of Oz Pizza, where I used to work. It had a long bar and weird, wacky paintings everywhere. Jason and I ordered some humus and pita chips. We got normal humus but also red pepper/tomato humus... amazing! Whoever made that was brilliant! We then also ate the most amazing pizza ever... beats Oz's and Everybody's pizza! So good! The paintings on the way were pretty neat to look at. Most of them were images of melting hearts. One of the paintings said "from the McCune foundation." How crazy is that! Weird to see my maiden name in a pizza place... McCune isn't exactly a normal last name. I was pretty excited because my dad used to live in Louisiana. I thought this might be a trace of my ancestors... come to find out it wasn't, though. No pictures sadly... we were too hungry to take any pictures.
After stuffing ourselves, we tried to walk around the square but decided we should go back to the hotel to digest food. We watched some more tv and relaxed a little longer. After resting we decided to walk to the Rev Zombie Voodoo Shop to get Jason a souvenir and to look into the ghost tour. On our way there, we stopped at a tourist station and asked about the ghost tours. She gave us a discount on the Rev Zombie one and told us to meet them there at 6. We went straight over to the shop and looked around a bit. Jason couldn't find anything he really wanted, although we had fun looking at all the weird statues. The ghost tour people were there, though. We walked over the your stereotypical ghost tour guide... wearing all black, round sunglasses, and dark hair. He paid him the rest and handed him the discount paper the other lady gave us. He gave us stickers and little fans for the tour. Told us to meet across the street when it starts. There was already a pretty big line, so we joined in. As we were standing there a woman in a wedding dress strutted forward and, without asking if we could move for her, walked right over to where we were standing and started posing for pictures. Jason and I, along with many others, moved out of her way as though she had been kind enough to ask. The photographers took a few pictures and then left without a word. It was the weirdest place to take a picture and it was very odd. Oh well, good for her I guess. Once she left, all of us in dark clothes resumed our spots and waited for the ghost tour.
A lady in all black was our tour guide:

This lady was apparently from New York, but moved to New Orleans a while back and has been there for 23 years. She was extremely weird and hated everyone equally. She made jokes about men, women, different religions, and drunk people. Fun stuff. She basically started the tour by giving us a history lesson of New Orleans, which was really interesting! I didn't know they had so many different laws regarding slaves. They treated slaves a lot better than the rest of the U.S. . . . still horribly, but not nearly as bad as others. She then took us around different spots in the French Quarter and told us why certain places were haunted. The first one was this random building that I can't really recall. The story was basically how this guy was married and had a mistress. The mistress wanted to be his only love or whatever, so she wouldn't leave him alone about marrying her. Finally he got tired and told her he'd marry her the day she stood on the roof naked until dawn. That's exactly what she did. She was on the roof naked all night in the cold and rain. He then died on top of the roof, too somehow. I think he tripped, hurt himself, got drunk, and then fell off the roof. Apparently the girl is the one that "truly" haunts the place. If you ever want to see a naked lady... you can just go to that building on a cold night. Or just walk over to Bourbon Street... my bet is you'd have better look on Bourbon Street.
After that story, we walked over to the Andre Jackson Hotel where there was a fire. Apparently a bunch of parents died but their children somehow lived in the fire. That left a ton of orphans. Then there was another fire and the kids died, or they starved or something. Apparently, children haunt the place looking for parents... I see no orbs.
After the hotel we stopped at that old bar I mentioned in a previous post. We were all able to stop, rest, and grab a drink if we wanted. Jason got a hurricane . . . a real one! It was so much better than the other one we had!! A ton of people got them when we stopped. One lady we got to know, probably in her mid fourties, looked over at Jason and said "have you gotten to the 151 yet?" She was referring to the rum.... he said he didn't think so. She said, "Phew! You'll know when you do!" Not long after I look over and Jason said "Phew! There it is!" Haha. Here's the picture of the pirate bar:

Her version of the story goes like this: basically there was a man who was a privateer, not an actual pirate, who owned the place. Well, apparently there was a guy who stole some necklace... we'll call him Bob. Now Bob was trying to sell it in the bar. Well, Bob isn't so bright. Turns out the guy he tried to sell it to (we'll call him George) was the man who actually owned the necklace in the first place... rather, his wife did. So, George gets really angry and, since he has no self control, he stabs the man in the gut. Bob's a weakling and dies. He apparently died right in front of the men's restrooms. Because of this, the bar is now haunted. People say their beer glasses move or are emptied when they aren't looking. Others say they see a man hunched over in front of the restrooms, holding onto his gut. But the moment they take a second glance at the man (Bob), he's gone. This is our tour guides theory. My theory: 1) Drink people should sober up so they can see straight. 2) Drunk people should sober up so they don't get sick on their way to the bathroom. 3) sometimes you enjoy drinking so much, you just forgot you drank the rest of your glass. 4) Drunk people get scared easily.
After the bar, we headed over to the Lalaurie mansion. One girl in all black and dark make up was waaaay too excited about this house. She apparently likes horrible things. Once we got there she told us that Nicolas Cage owns the house and discovered it was haunted. He got a bad feeling about the house and then started wondering why it was so cheap. Someone told him it was because of the house's history. He asked what they meant and they told to just go take the tour. So he apparently did. Once he took this same tour (supposedly), he refused to stay at the house and would not allow any member of his family to stay there either. His friends could, though. Note: do not befriend Nicolas Cage. The tour guide said he no longer owns the house, but the internet says he does... not sure who to believe. She said there was a rumor Johnny Depp bought it, but I see no Depps. Anyway... I do not wish to go into the details of why the house is haunted. I don't believe things are haunted, but I do believe that was one horrible, horrible story and it has a grotesque history. If you want to know the horrible details, look it up on the internet. I felt physically ill when she was describing what happened in the house, and do not wish to type it all out. Have fun searching. I warned you.
Oh, here is a picture or two of the house:
Again, I see no orbs. Jason wanted me to note this, too.... the lady said 90% of the people on her tour have had confirmed supernatural encounters on film. Guess I'm one of those lame people that ghosts don't want to interact with... fine by me!
After leaving this house we went to another Hotel that supposedly haunted. Apparently the hotel used to be where doctors would operate on people. Some people say they wake up with a man over them, pointing at a limb, and hear them say "That's going to have to be cut off." They find blood on the sheets and smell smoke . . . the usual. People run screaming from the hotel. As she's telling us this story two guys who are actually staying at the hotel hang around to hear the story... I'd want to know too if I were staying there, I guess. She would say a phrase like, "People who stay here..." and one of the guys would look at us and wave. He seemed proud he had the guts to sleep where ghosts were. Good for him... that'll prove he's awesome! Once the story ended, he and his buddy got in a cab and left the building... guess he's not a real courageous guy after all.
The end of the tour. It was actually a lot of fun! Still no orbs though.
After the tour we went back to Cafe Maspero for french onion soup and a club sandwich. We were seated right by one of the huge windows and were able to enjoy the breeze from the river. As we're sitting there we start hearing a man scream. Not scary like in a ghost tour, though. He was actually screaming, "Hey man... let me get that hot sauce!!" He was apparently yelling at people in the cafe to hand over their hot sauce. He eventually wandered down the street yelling about how he didn't get any hot sauce. Here's a picture or two of us at the cafe:
I love the painting in the background! It's like their looking right at him!
The hot sauce guy was right in that window behind me!
This is my favorite picture we took! This one and the next one. If I ever were to be a painter, I would paint this bar, the girl in the red dress as a waitress, carrying a tray of four large beers. So pretty! This truly is the most handsome bar I've ever seen!
After the amazing food, we went back to the hotel and slept. Side note: while sleeping, Jason grabbed my hand and held it during the night. It's reasons like this I love him. The end.