Monday, March 21, 2016

Meandering Around Monticello

March 18, 2016

Jason and I woke up to our first full day in Staunton. We showered, dressed, and made our way to lunch. We walked up and down the hilly streets, feeling gusts of wind as it spill into the city. It was a perfect day. The sun brightly lit the red-bricked buildings as we passed through Beverley Street. The hotel gave us a $10 off coupon to Shenandoah Pizza upon check-in. Little did the hotel know, our memory of the pizza was motivation enough to visit their restaurant. Sadly when we arrived for lunch, we learned they opened a little later than we expected. We walked down to one of our favorite antique stores and browsed. We found this while wasting time:

These are the shoes we thought Miss Mayhayley wore in the book Murder in Coweta County. This is the book we read on the way up. These are exactly what I pictured her to wear. After browsing the shop some, we quickly left when the pizza place was scheduled to open. Below are pictures of us and our lunch. I may have snapped a picture of one of my favorite paintings as well. These pieces of art represent the amazing buildings of this small, yet beautiful city.

Jason's meatlovers pizza (above).

My pepperoni pizza rolls (below).

After lunch, we found our car in the parking garage below the hotel. We decided our first day would be spend at Monticello. On the way, we stopped for a drink and to buy some gas. Jason found Sprecher, a low-calorie root beer. It was really good. I also purchased Diet Cheerwine (my favorite drink, which cannot be found in Georgia). Below is a picture of Jason with his drink:

We arrived just in time for the 3 O'clock tour. We purchased our ticket and made our way to the gift shop to see if they had the Historical Chocolate that we love so much. Turns out they did! We planned to buy as much as possible on this trip, since it cannot be bought online or at home. At this time, however, we were simply browsing. We thought we'd purchase everything later on, so we wouldn't be obligated to carry it on the tour.

We walked up the brick steps to get in line for the tour. Most people have their ticket scanned and then take the shuttle up the mountain to Jefferson's house. We, however, decided to walk. They don't normally tell you there is a walking trail until you reach the top of the mountain. We remembered from the last trip and decided to just walk up the trail as well. Our tickets were scanned and I informed the lady we would be walking. Surprised we said this, she excitedly told us that would be okay.

It was the perfect day to walk. Breezy and cool yet still very bright and cheery from the sun. It was clearly still an early spring day. Once reaching the top, Jason and I discussed how different our health is compared to last time. We can walk more and with greater ease than previous trips. Still, it wouldn't hurt to improve our cardio. We walked around the gardens a bit and then decided to get in line for tour. We walked up as a man named Ed explained some of the history of the house. Most of it we remembered from previous trips. Soon we met our tour guide who walked us into the house.

Most of the information on the tour was the same as the last few times we went. The only thing that was new this time was learning that the Jefferson lived in a smaller house on the property when they first arrived to the mountain. We had not heard this until this tour and we made sure to grab a picture. Below you can see the massive house to the left and to the right of the picture is the small house they originally lived in. Quite a difference.

After the tour we walked down to the shop situated in the slave quarters. We purchased some bags of chocolate and a bag of Virginia peanuts. The man behind the counter was nice enough to cut the bag of peanuts for me. Jason also bought us two waters as well. As we were checking out, a woman walked in and greeted us with extreme welcome. I turned around to see who was so excited to see us. The moment she caught a glimpse of my face her excited dwindled, "Oh! I thought you were someone else" she said. It was a lady who worked there. The man behind the counter said, "Well, introduce yourself and you'll know her now!" We all had a nice laugh about it. She actually looked familiar to me, too, although I don't know why. She said she was new to Monticello and was very excited to be working there. I can't blame her--I can't imagine having lunch every day in the gardens. Jason thinks it would ruin it for you. I disagree.

We sat down in our usual spot to enjoy our snacks and took pictures:

We then went to the front of the house to take more pictures (we had never taken pictures of this side before):

Then to the gardens:

Below are pictures of the blacksmith house. This was new to us. Jason said it was apparently there the last time we visited but neither one of us remembered it. It was still a neat spot:

After walking around and enjoying the beautiful day, we took the trail back. We also asked a woman to take our picture with Jefferson once we reached the bottom:

We then stopped in the shop and purchased most of the chocolate, along with a chocolate bar and hot chocolate mix. We might have an issue with chocolate... oh well. We also purchased some root beer. A older woman with white hair checked us out. She appeared happy to be alive and thrilled to be working somewhere historical. I placed the many items down and told her I was pretty sure they were officially out of chocolate. She laughed and then told us the history of the candy. Apparently they found a recipe from the 1700s for this chocolate. They recreated the recipe while adding a small amount of sugar for our taste today. The spices are what make it so tasty. Back in the 1700s they would use the same board to make things with. When preparing the chocolate, the spices were picked up from the board, which is what added that wonderful flavor. Pretty good.

She also told us the story to the root beer. It wasn't a long story. Basically they use honey instead of sugar. It was really good.

After checking out we made our way to the car and headed toward Staunton once more. When we returned it was dinner time. We dropped off our items in the hotel room and walked across the street to the Mill Street Grill. Jason pointed a door on the side of the street with the picture of Hugh Laurie on it (from House). We always notice it each time we visit. I love how little this places changes over the few years we've known it.

We were seated for dinner in no time at a booth close to the bar. A man greeted us and dropped off some bread with Irish butter. Below is a picture:

We browsed the menu, noticing all the Irish dishes. I guess they are still trying to get rid of their St. Paddy's day items. Jason and I both ordered the Irish Stew. He also ordered a beer (Dixie Blackend Voodoo Lager). I asked the waiter what kind of bourbon he had. He listed a few and then said the magic word "Woodford..." I stopped him right there. "Ooo! Woodford--that's perfect!" He seemed surprised and asked if I wanted it "straight up." I said yes and Jason also asked for one. Only a moment later, however, he returned to tell us he had accidentally lied. Apparently they do not have Woodford. He recommended a local Virginia whisky. I gave it a shot. He returned with two small glasses of amber colored drink, and encouraged us to put a few drops of water in it. He seems to know how to drink whisky; we were impressed. Below are pictures:

Jason and I laughed continuously throughout dinner. That whisky got me pretty good on a light stomach. It was a very fun night. While eating my soup, I turned to Jason and said I was doing pretty well-- I hadn't choked on my soup yet. This might sound strange, but a few months ago I actually did choke on soup. Like--choke on it. I couldn't breathe and made quite a scene at a restaurant in Georgia. I am the only person ever to choke on soup. We had a good laugh about it. After the stew, we were given peppermint ice cream. Below is a picture:

Below is a picture I took of the stream outside of Mill Street Grill. I took it on our way into the restaurant:

Jason and I walked back to the hotel, laughing all the way. We were worn out from the day and turned in for the night. I would like to add that I was so warn out that this happened: I took off one sock, got in bed, chit-chatted with Jason, and later realized I left the other sock on. We had quite a laugh. Never boring here in Staunton.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Lucky Charms and Shooting Stars!

March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day ya lit'l lassie!!

Today marks the first day of our spring vacation. Spring came very early this year. Already, at the beginning of March, the flowers are blooming and the sun is beaming waves of heat. We debated holding off our trip for fear of an unexpected snowstorm; unusual heat can indicate cold slyly waiting around the corner. It appears, however, that the sun is here to stay. So off the Staunton Virginia we go!

Jason and I went to work today despite our 8 hour drive to VA. We left work an hour early so we could get go Staunton before midnight (which is when we arrived last time we visited this great state). I spent a great deal of time walking in place as much as possible, so as to meet my 11,200 step goal for FitBit. I actually finished my steps before leaving! Luckily Jason and I already packed the night before, leaving us free to leave before Atlanta traffic became truly hellacious.

We hopped in the car and made our way to quick trip for soda and to fill the tires up with air. I already filled the tank up with gas on my way home from work. Once through Atlanta traffic, Jason and I resumes reading the book "Murder in Coweta County." Dad and I had done a book swap. I asked him to read Harry Potter and he asked me to read this book. So far, it's a really great book.

Once in Gaffney, we found Frank Underwood's manhood. Below is a picture:

Underwood 2016!!

Jason and I made three stops along the way. The first was a bathroom break at a gas station.

The second was a bathroom and food break at a quick trip. Jason went to get the food while I filled up the tank with gas. I finished before Jason did, so I went in to find him. I caught him right as he stepped up to the counter to pay. I randomly just popped up and placed a pack of apple slices on the counter with the rest of the items. Jason and the guy behind the counter looked shocked. The employee said "is this lady with you?" We laughed and he explained he didn't know if I was just some random woman trying to get him to buy apples for me. It was pretty funny. Jason bought a slaw dog for him, a corndog for me, and a Mac and cheese roll up for both of us. Once back in the car, I drove.

The last stop was at a gas station about an hour away from the hotel. We stopped to get water and to trade spots. My contacts were irritating me and making it difficult to drive. We bought some water and a beer for jason to have later. A nice lady wearing a bright green St Paddys Day shirt was behind the counter. She asked for Jason's ID. I told her not o belive him... He's dedinitely under age. Love that joke. After wishing her a happy paddy's, we headed to the car and Jason took over the driving for me.

We read until it got dark. Then we sang sons from the radio, like "hammer time" and "if I could walk 500 miles..." :) it was fun.

I randomly asked Jason what he would name a company if he owned one. Without hesitation he said, "Dicklickers! We'd sell those little buttons on pants. Oh wait! No, no... On shirts!" Gotta love this man... Never boring!

We arrived at the hotel at 11:30. Upon entering Staunton we also saw a shooting star. Good sign for a good vacation. An older woman checked us in to the hotel and gave is $10 off of a pizza place in town that we like so much. She also gave us $15 off food at the hotel as well.

We made our way to the room and unpacked. Jason cracked open a beer 15 minutes til midnight... Still a St paddy's day celebration, after all. We had made sure to buy some beer at the last gas station... Jason always has at least one on St paddy's day. Below is a picture:

We also got a picture of us as we parked in the parking garage.

Happy St paddy's day staunton!! Let the vacation begin!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Feelin' The Bern

March 1, 2016

Jason's first voting experience was significant. He voted for the first African American President of the USA. I most likely would have also voted for Obama had I been at all interested in politics at the time. This year, however, my interest was sparked. Politics became important to me when I was first introduced to Bernie Sanders. Finally someone I could relate to, who's always been on the right side of history. I finally wanted to join in. Today I got to. After work, Jason and I immediately left home and headed toward the Palmetto Library for voting.

We secretly hid our vibrant Bernie Sanders' shirts and buttons underneath boring hoodies. We walked in, handed our driver's license to someone as she handed us some paperwork to complete. We were then told to visit the man sitting next to her. We moved over a chair to a young guy who said, "I don't think you're a liar--I just have to make sure you're you." Haha. He then handed me a bright yellow card and told me to go to the small voting booth. I, being very new to voting read every single thing on the screen--instructions and all. Jason voted beside me and finished before I did (he has voted before and did not need to read instructions). Jason later told me he wondered if he did it wrong since I was taking longer--perhaps he missed something. We had a nice laugh about it afterward. I found my "Bernie Sanders" button, clicked it, and cast my vote.

Jason and I immediately hopped in the car and took off our boring hoodies to reveal our shirts. We then commemorated the moment with pictures. Below is the evidence that we voted and we voted, hopefully, on the right side of history (the side where Donald Trump is not President):

Below are pictures to show how fully decked out we got. I posted this picture on facebook with the following caption:

"Late to the game, but my first time voting just occurred :) Don't ask me who I voted for though...I'll never tell and it's just rude to ask" --this was also followed with 7 fire emojies to show the extent to which we "felt the Bern." 

Happy voting day!