Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Feelin' The Bern

March 1, 2016

Jason's first voting experience was significant. He voted for the first African American President of the USA. I most likely would have also voted for Obama had I been at all interested in politics at the time. This year, however, my interest was sparked. Politics became important to me when I was first introduced to Bernie Sanders. Finally someone I could relate to, who's always been on the right side of history. I finally wanted to join in. Today I got to. After work, Jason and I immediately left home and headed toward the Palmetto Library for voting.

We secretly hid our vibrant Bernie Sanders' shirts and buttons underneath boring hoodies. We walked in, handed our driver's license to someone as she handed us some paperwork to complete. We were then told to visit the man sitting next to her. We moved over a chair to a young guy who said, "I don't think you're a liar--I just have to make sure you're you." Haha. He then handed me a bright yellow card and told me to go to the small voting booth. I, being very new to voting read every single thing on the screen--instructions and all. Jason voted beside me and finished before I did (he has voted before and did not need to read instructions). Jason later told me he wondered if he did it wrong since I was taking longer--perhaps he missed something. We had a nice laugh about it afterward. I found my "Bernie Sanders" button, clicked it, and cast my vote.

Jason and I immediately hopped in the car and took off our boring hoodies to reveal our shirts. We then commemorated the moment with pictures. Below is the evidence that we voted and we voted, hopefully, on the right side of history (the side where Donald Trump is not President):

Below are pictures to show how fully decked out we got. I posted this picture on facebook with the following caption:

"Late to the game, but my first time voting just occurred :) Don't ask me who I voted for though...I'll never tell and it's just rude to ask" --this was also followed with 7 fire emojies to show the extent to which we "felt the Bern." 

Happy voting day!

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